Tuesday, January 14, 2020

IRA Newsletter Weekly Project: Effective Literacy Website #7

Image result for storyline online

Storyline Online is an award-winning children’s literacy website. It streams videos featuring celebrated authors reading children’s books. Teachers would enjoy this resource because it allows them to have books be read to their students via Youtube, Schooltube, or Vimeo. They can also preview books before purchasing it themselves. I am looking forward to further explore this website and discover new books I may want to purchase for my classroom. 

            Reading aloud to children is an important skill. Research has shown that it improves reading, writing, communication skills, logical thinking and concentration, and inspires a lifelong love of reading. This website was created for teachers to use in their classrooms and for doctors and nurses to play in children’s hospitals. I think parents would enjoy using this at home to replace tv time. Children would love discovering new books and having it read to them at their fingertips. The great thing about it is that it is always available and absolutely free. You just need access to a web device (computer, tablet, etc.)
As I further explored this website, I found so many books I enjoyed. Many of them were featured on the first place. Each story shows the duration of the video before you decide to play it. It even provides recommended grade levels, activity guides, and gives you the option to purchase the book. Some books are even read by celebrities. Students and parents can see who the reader is before playing the video. I cannot wait to start using this website in my classroom.

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