Wednesday, January 15, 2020

IRA Effective Literacy Website #7

Another effective literacy website is English Interactive. This website offers free, effective, relevant, and appropriate resources for self-learners as well as teachers and tutors to use in the classroom, online, or for curriculum assignments. If you go on this website, you can choose which tab to select depending on what you want to focus on. Everything offered on this website is for the purpose of learning and practicing English. There are interactive lessons, activities, and exercises available for any English skill that we need to work on. This is what makes this website very effective and can promote a higher improvement in the literacy area.
            To begin with, there is a tab called “Knowledge.” From there, we can easily access many English grammar resources. They are organized intro three tabs: general, intermediate, and advanced. Each section has wonderful interactive lessons and activities for both a learner and a teacher. It is up to the user to select which area they need to focus on. This is absolutely perfect for my ESL students. They struggle in grammar so I can access these activities that will be motivating, engaging, and at the right level for my students.
Furthermore, we can also access vocabulary activities under “Knowledge” as well. From there, learners can see, hear, and play with illustrated words at beginner, intermediate, advanced, and professional levels with interactive audio, quizzes, and games. These are all very fun and engaging activities that will help students build their vocabulary, which is part of literacy.
In addition, there is also a tab called “Skills.” There is a drop down menu from where users can select which skills they need to work on: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All of these have interactive lessons and activities that we can learn and practice our English until we are masters. I explored the reading section and found amazing resources for comprehension exercises and more. When I click on that, it brings me to a website that offers many reading comprehension worksheets for all grade levels.
There are just so many literacy resources available from sentence completion worksheets to verb tenses, word definitions, analogies, synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, writing, subjects, predicates, paragraph connections and many, many others. The website that can improve our teaching and students’ learning, and it is a “first-aid kit” literacy website for me to use. I have come across one of the most effective literacy website that I will be referring to for my literacy curriculum class. I know that everything offered on this website is going to build and mold my students’ literacy skills and knowledge, providing that the interactive activities and resources are arranged properly in different levels and skills. If I follow them, I will see results.
This websites is very effective that will definitely improve students’ literacy skills and knowledge. I fully recommend this website for teachers, tutors, as well as self-learners. The name of the website matches perfectly with the services and resources it provides. You will not regret going on this website.

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