Saturday, January 18, 2020

Farewell Refection

First and foremost, I want to say Kaselehlia and Kalahngan to Dr. Rivera and all my fellow candidates in this Masters program.  The past four weeks was definitely a challenge for me.  Balancing and prioritizing my schedule was really tough since everyone was in holiday mode and there were so many events lined up with family and friends.  There was no magic trick to staying on top schedule and turning assignments in on time but it was all about making choices, working hard and being persistent.  Now that it's coming to an end, I feel so proud of myself that I was able to meet every requirement.   I have learned a lot of new and exciting things that will help me extent and enhance my lessons.  There are so many strategies and skills that I have learned through this course and from my fellow classmates. I appreciate the respect I receive from everyone and most especially the help I get from our instructors.  In addition, one of the most exciting tool that learned to use is Google Earth.  I know that my students will love it as much as I did exploring and learning new things.  Technology is a very important part of instruction and I felt empowered using and learning new tools that will help me bring more excitement and learning into my classroom.

 I want to wish you all the best as we continue on this journey.  It is 2020, and with hard work and persistence, we all will successfully complete these courses and be a better educator than we were when we started last Summer.  Again, Kaselelehlia and Kalahngan to Dr. Rivera.  You are awesome and I will look forward to my next class with you. 

1 comment:

  1. Kaselel Yolanda,

    You’re most welcome! Kalangan for a wonderful intersession. I will certainly miss all of you, but I’m confident that you will use the strategies, skills, and technology resources that you’ve gained to make a difference in the lives of your students. Good luck!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera
