Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Farewell Reflection

Jessica Gilmete

            ED 638 has been a great learning experience for me. This course is a short and rigorous one, but I enjoyed every step of the way. I appreciate everything I learned in this course. I also appreciate the relationship I have built with my classmates and instructor. I am very thankful that I can be open to share my ideas confidently and that they do that, too. Everyone has been respectful, kind, and thoughtful towards each other. This has positively encouraged me to be open, honest, and do my best to keep up.
My instructor has been also there for each of us every time. For example, I really am grateful that I can ask her questions after questions because she is always happy and ready to provide advice and assistance. Her feedbacks are always genuine, honest, and encouraging. I am hoping that we will have her again as our instructor in the coming semesters/courses.
            Furthermore, I have learned to create a personal technology blog, which I find to be very fun, creative, and beneficial. I am also very grateful to have come across effective literacy websites that I will be using for my literacy curriculum. I feel that these will be fun, engaging, and motivating for my students and me. Additionally, I am also happy to have come across some internet tools that are beneficial for my teaching. I like that I have learned so many things that I can apply to impact students’ learning.
            Overall, I appreciate this learning opportunity and everyone else that is part of this group. The end is usually a relieving, yet emotional time for me. Therefore, I conclude my farewell reflection by wishing everyone else good luck! We have made it! Cheers!  

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