Thursday, January 9, 2020

IRA Newsletter Project: Effective Literacy Website #3

The Story Kitchen is a website created by Bruce Van Patter, a public speaker, illustrator, and author. The website offers a variety of story starters and encourages young writers to finish the story. When opening the site, students are presented with categories for selecting a hero, a setting, and a villain, and choose one from each. A story is then generated for students to read, but they must brainstorm possible endings to finish the story. The reading level of the stories are for intermediate to secondary level students but can be read aloud to younger students.

This can be a great tool to use in the classroom to promote writing. The website even offers ways to use this tool in the classroom to get students excited to write. Before having students read the generated story, teachers can have students build their own stories using the elements they selected in the beginning. The students can work together as a whole to discuss how they might combine the elements to create a unique story, then students can write down their own interpretations. The generated story can then be read and compared with the class’ stories. All of the possible stories are also provided as printable handouts, making it convenient for teachers to have ready for students to use or to have students complete at home. Because the stories are readily available, the story generator does not necessarily need to be used, but it does make the process more mysterious, fun, and interesting!

The website also includes drawings done by the creator of the site after he read stories made up by students from different schools. Teachers can have students look at these drawings, come up with their own to go along with the pictures, and then compare them to the stories that originally inspired the drawings. I believe students will find these activities enjoyable and will be inspired to use their imagination to write amazing stories.

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