Sunday, December 29, 2019

IRA Effective Literacy Website #2: Education World

WWW.EDUCATIONWORLD.COM  Education World is an online resource for teachers and administrators. It is corporate funded and updated daily. It is not an exclusively literacy focused website but there are so many features that promote literacy including blogs, lesson plans and printables. The site also offers online courses, many in literacy education.
There are a couple of sections that I am especially excited to use with my students. One is a section with reading games that cover all grade levels and literacy skills: word finder, synonym toast, flash cards, grammar gorillas, spelling game, and more. I have access to tablets and laptops for my students so I can allow them to play these games if they finish their work early or as good behavior rewards.
Another one of my favorite features is the section with news articles that are relevant and interesting to students. The lesson plans include English standards, vocabulary, anticipatory sets, articles, worksheets and answers, and follow up activities. There are articles on robots, lizards, farming, the military, Martin Luther King Jr., basketball, school, animals, dinosaurs, technology, and so many more. Every article crossed over multiple subjects and can be expanded or streamlined to whatever each teacher needs. Here is an example of one of these news article lesson plans:

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