International Reading
Association (IRA) Newsletter Weekly Project: Effective Literacy Website #1
Carmerida Y. Nanpei
The first website that I'm going to choose that has impact on literacy
is Reading Rockets. ( This is a website that I use often and I chose this website
because it offers a lot of resources that helps struggling readers. It offers information and resources
explaining how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle. The resources help readers build phonemic
awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, which are the 5
essential skills a good reader must have. Reading Rockets make learning to read
or reading interesting and engaging for kids. There many useful resources
there that is not only accessible to teachers but also for parents at
In addition to all the information and resources available for students, Reading
Rockets also offer opportunities for teacher to take online courses on how to
teach reading, classroom strategies, as well as reading tips for parents I
believe that this is one of the best online learning websites that make huge
impact on literacy and writing.
This sounds like a great site! I will be sure to check it out!